Thursday, 1 December 2011

pastures new.

Photo: my own

My life as a travelling gypsy comes to a welcomed stop tomorrow. Can I get a rapturous woop woop? After months of yo-yo-ing, to and from London for fashion-y related happenings, I am finally turning over that shiny new leaf. How, you ask:


The first part is certain. The latter, well let's just say it ain't as easy as that. I have no set plan bar whispers of that and promises of this but I leave with the intention of putting my finger in every sweet-tasting pie.

My fan girl obsession for the capital will likely to develop into an unadulterated passion for the place. I can hear screams of anguish echoing from and throughout my various friendship groups. I promise not to subscribe to selling out.

I hope to bring you few horror stories of the fashion intern curse and an abundance of free bar, fashion frolics.

I just gotta get through moving from one end of the country to the other via a three hour, probably packed train with my worldly goods, namely, my wardrobe, squeezed into a mini suitcase.

Here's to starts fresh. Wish me luck.


Monday, 28 November 2011

christmas for want all i.

Can't call meself a real fashion blogger without a token, festive wish list. By no means, comprehensive. Don't even get me started on make-up and other life essentials.
All: TOPSHOP -the multi glitter clutch which is UO.

Shiny, pretty things rule my world. Even more so, those curated by Mr. Green's designer elves.

A few other things that I'd quite like:
- Longer hair
- A blog branding designer
- A proper fashion job

If you can help with any of the above, do get in touch.

Excuse the lack of fashion, darling, as of late. I have can't remember the last garment / accessory I even bought; a champagne lifestyle on the lemonade budget of an aspiring fashion journo doesn't seem to be possible.
Anyone wanna send me a prezzie? Feel free.

Am off to catch up on the BFAs and reminisce sweet sweet memories of last year's fashion-fuelled frolics.
