Thursday, 19 January 2012

#LFW: the basics.

The hash tag has (prematurely) reappeared, the check and to do lists penned on various scraps of reporter's notebook. Four measly weeks - Y U COME ROUND SO FAST FASH WK? So, what am I doing resting on my lorrells when I should be typing out show requests to 100+ PRs? I come baring 'Fashion Week Survival Advice' for the virgins out there, among you.

I write this as second-timer so please don't take me as some sort of Fashion Week pro. Bloggers, buyers and press unite for my favourite season of the year -Autumn/Winter baby. Not harmoniously as you'd think though - there was outcry among bloggers, in September regarding their restricted access to the main venue. The BFC have obviously listened to this outcry as they have installed a separate bloggers lounge in Somerset House, for Feb.

This is what I wish I knew pre // what I learnt during my LFW début : 

* shy bairns get nout
    Talk to anyone and everyone - in the courtyard, press or bloggers lounge, Tom's kitchen and the queues.
    Am I telling you to queue for shows? That's right; put your best fearless face and hautest shoes on, you
    have as good chance as any of being granted the privilege. Even if it is in the photographer's pit - you'll get
    better runway shots and less of that supposed, big, fashion name's backside profile.
    'the more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it.'

* stock up
   A school boy error of my Fashion Week, first time.
   Business cards - avoids the "my blog is are u dressing up or.. etc"
   Food and water - fashion people do eat.
   Flat shoes - even just for the journey to and from the venues.
   Phone charger - it will inevitably die on you. Mine did day after day but I never learnt that lesson.

* you are not super(wo)man
    It's fashion; things overrun, start late, get re scheduled. Guaranteed you will not be able to make every 
    presentation and show. It grants the opportunity to find content that not every fashion editor will be 
    covering. Spend time absorbing the exhibitions, talk to the prs and designers, interview street style 
    subjects... Great journalism is all about finding a new angle. Also, few spots come better for people
    watching - soak it up.

Put your hands up if you're joining me?

I hope I have helped more than I have patronised.

See you on those cobbles in your sumptuous sorbets.


Monday, 16 January 2012

001: recently I've been..

Oh hi there unannounced hiatus. What can I say, drunk-ing and dancing have been higher up on my agenda than ferociously typing away to tell you about all the clothes I want but can't afford. Due to a losing combination of depleted funds and only collar and jumper (winning) combos within my creative grasp, my recent fash game needs to sort its life out. Hence, the lack of blogging. What is a fashion blogger without a fashion sense? A vacant one. Anyway, back for a quickie.

With London Fashion Week within frighteningly close touching distance, a best friend in tow and excruciatingly exciting prospects for the month of February, I say no more other than - it's going to be a friggan good one.

What have I been doing with all this FREE time? In between floating around London in all my freelancer glory I have gotten acquainted with my new ends some more and fallen a little bit more in love (read: become even more obssesed. I joke it is love of the truest sort).

Less fashion, more life :

Sampling the cuisines of some tasty eateries.

Discovering the joys of paying £10 plus for a Martini when you totally meant a Mojito.
Losing my 'Photo a Day' challenge V plates.
Still rocking the bowler hat.
Prepping for fashion week i.e. commencing the wardrobe overhaul. First step - mental mood board making.
